Bioindustry L.I.M. spa - API Department

Bioindustria L.I.M. produces active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for the requirements of the Pharmaceutical industry, in strict compliance with international regulations.

The Fresonara (AL) plant provides the active ingredients used in the preparation of some of the company’s important pharmaceutical specialities, but it has also established itself as an independent source of various active ingredients for the international pharmaceutical industry.

The plant possesses a wide range of technologies, skills and experiences in the area of organic synthesis that allow to develop new production processes (synthesis, purification, drying, finishing), through the research, scale up and industrialization phases.

The plant operates in accordance with the cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) standards which are regularly controlled through audits by both Clients and national and international authorities, such as:

  • AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency)
  • FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
  • Minzdrav rossii (Ministry of Health Russia)

At the Fresonara (AL) plant, BIOINDUSTRIA L.I.M. produces a series of active ingredients (APIs)for the domestic and international pharmaceutical supply line.
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Production: “High-tech processes”
Bioindustry L.I.M. has a long tradition of developing processes for the manufacture of APIs
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Research and Development: “Innovation in tradition.”
Bioindustria LIM recognizes the importance of giving precise and quick answers to the continuous needs emerging from the market.
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Pharma Plant
Pharma Plant
Nello Stabilimento di Novi Ligure(AL) viene prodotta una vasta gamma di medicinali generici indirizzati alle più svariate aree terapeutiche.
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